Bubble Beginner Course


This beginner course on Bubble teaches you to design, build databases, and create workflows. By the end, you’ll build your first app modeled after Pinterest, gaining hands-on experience from start to finish.


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Customer Reviews (35+)


I loved how you broke down the theory behind setting up an effective database and then dove into the hands-on work. The course made complex concepts easy to understand and apply.


I got some incredible pointers from JJ about improving the UI and the workflow/database schema in my application. His deep dive into these topics provided actionable next steps that were incredibly valuable.


The course was fantastic! It provided a comprehensive and easy-to-follow introduction to building databases, making complex concepts accessible to beginners.

Flusk’s Advice

We love this course for its clear, well-structured lessons that make complex concepts accessible, blending theory with hands-on experience. JJ's expert guidance on database design, workflows, and UI elements empowers learners to build robust applications. The course is packed with real-life examples, practical tips, and strategic insights, making it a must for anyone looking to master Bubble.io quickly and effectively. Highly recommended for both beginners and advanced users!

Course Curriculum

The course is structured to guide you from the basics to more advanced features, ensuring you gain a solid understanding of how to create and manage web applications without writing a single line of code.

Introduction to the Bubble Editor

The course begins with an overview of the Bubble Editor, familiarizing you with its various tabs and functionalities. This foundational knowledge sets the stage for you to navigate the platform effectively as you progress through the course.

Design Systems and Consistency

Next, you’ll dive into the importance of design systems, learning how to incorporate design styles and variables from tools like Figma into your Bubble application. This section emphasizes the significance of maintaining consistency across your app, ensuring a professional and cohesive look and feel.

Understanding Databases

A crucial aspect of any application is its database. This course thoroughly explains the concept of databases, highlighting how Bubble simplifies database management. You’ll explore creating database types, organizing data fields, and establishing relationships between tables. The course also covers strategies for optimizing database performance and security, ensuring your app is both efficient and secure.

Building the Foundation: Homepage and Explore Page

The course guides you through the process of building key pages for your application, starting with the homepage and explore page. You’ll learn to set up reusable elements, create repeating groups, and manage data sources. This section also introduces the concept of an empty state, teaching you how to create and implement it in your designs.

Creating Functional Elements: Settings, Signup, and Visual Components

As you progress, the course covers the creation of essential components like a settings dropdown menu and a signup/login popup. You’ll learn how to design these elements, ensuring they are interactive and user-friendly. The course also explores the variety of visual elements available in Bubble, such as text, buttons, icons, and images, and provides insights on how to customize and use them effectively.

Advanced Database and User Interface Design

The course delves deeper into database structuring, using visual tools like Lucidcharts to help you design and organize your database schema. You’ll also work on building more complex user interface components, such as a search functionality and a notifications feed. These lessons focus on creating a seamless user experience by ensuring all interactive elements are intuitive and responsive.

Enhancing User Experience with Overlays, Headers, and Containers

In this section, you’ll learn to create overlays for your homepage and design responsive headers that adapt to different devices. The course also introduces different types of containers in Bubble, such as group elements, pop-ups, and floating groups, teaching you how to use each effectively to organize your app’s layout.

Input Forms, Login Functionality, and API Workflows

Understanding how to collect and manage user input is critical. This course covers the creation of input forms, explaining the various types of inputs available and how to implement them. You’ll also build a robust login functionality, complete with email notifications and password reset options. Additionally, the course explores configuring API workflows, integrating AI-driven content generation, and enhancing interactivity within your application.

Creating and Managing Reusable Elements and Pages

You’ll learn how to create new pages and understand the importance of reusable elements in Bubble. The course emphasizes the need for responsive design, ensuring your app looks great on all devices. You’ll also work on building a footer, focusing on its role in user engagement and navigation.

Finalising Your Application

As you near the end of the course, you’ll focus on refining your application by adding finishing touches, such as comment sections, sub-comments, and final touches to your homepage and overlay. The course concludes with a review of everything you’ve learned, encouraging you to apply your new skills to build functional, user-friendly applications.

Closing and Next Steps

The course wraps up with final words of encouragement, acknowledging the effort you’ve put into learning Bubble.io. You’re encouraged to continue exploring the platform, engage with the Bubble community, and apply your skills to real-world projects, paving the way for further professional growth and innovation in the no-code space.

About Your Instructor

JJ Englert is a renowned expert in the no-code development community, known for his deep knowledge of Bubble.io and his ability to make complex concepts accessible to all. His teaching style is clear, practical, and highly engaging, combining real-world examples with actionable insights. JJ’s courses are crafted to not only teach you the technical skills needed to master Bubble.io but also to inspire confidence in your ability to create professional-grade applications.

What are the Benefits of Learning Bubble.io for Entrepreneurs?

Learning Bubble offers numerous benefits for entrepreneurs looking to develop their web applications:
Cost-Effective Development: With Bubble, you can create sophisticated web applications without needing to hire a development team. This can significantly reduce the costs associated with starting your business.
Rapid Prototyping and Iteration: Bubble allows you to quickly prototype and test your ideas, enabling you to iterate faster based on user feedback and market demands.
Full Control Over Your Product: By mastering Bubble, you have complete control over your application’s features, design, and functionality, allowing you to make changes and improvements independently.Scalability: Bubble supports scalable applications, which means as your business grows, your application can grow with it without requiring a complete rebuild.
Market Differentiation: Having a unique, custom-built application can help your business stand out in the market, providing a competitive edge.

What Skills Will I Gain from a Bubble Training Course?

A Bubble training course equips you with a variety of valuable skills:
1. Web Application Development: You will learn how to build robust and responsive web applications from scratch using a no-code platform.
2. User Interface Design: Training will cover the principles of designing user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing interfaces.
3. Workflow Automation: You will gain expertise in setting up and managing workflows to automate processes within your application.
4. Database Management: Understanding how to design, implement, and manage databases within Bubble to ensure efficient data handling.
5. API Integration: Learn how to integrate external APIs to extend the functionality of your applications.
6. Debugging and Optimisation: Develop skills to troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and ensure your application runs smoothly.

Can You Build Mobile Apps with Bubble?

Yes, you can build mobile applications with Bubble. Bubble allows you to create responsive web applications that can be accessed on mobile devices. With careful design, these applications can offer a mobile-friendly user experience. On top of that, Bubble.io supports the creation of PWAs, which can be installed on a user's device like a native app and work offline.F those looking to publish their Bubble application as a native mobile app, several wrapper services can convert your Bubble web app into a native iOS or Android app. These services package your web application within a native container, allowing you to distribute it through app stores. By using plugins and APIs, you can integrate native mobile features such as push notifications, GPS, and camera access into your Bubble application.

Bubble.io has also recently announced the beta of their native mobile app builder, which should be release in 2025.
